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Claim Entitlements Calculator
Use this calculator to get an instant estimate of your delay related entitlements
Your Name*
Email address*
Project Duration (in days)
Project Duration should include the mobilization period. Approved time extensions can be included only if approved and agreed to be without cost.
Total Contract Value
Including approved variations
In any currency
Contract finish date
As per contract
Expected / TOC/
or actual finish date
In cases where TOC was unjustifiably not awarded, please enter the date where the project was substantially completed (ready for beneficial use)
Total approved or Justifiable delays
Preliminaires (non recurring) value
This % is the result of dividing the amount in the BOQ of the non-recurring preliminaries by the total contract value
% Nominal Head office overheads
This % can be either as per tender or based on the end of year financial report (in which the average of the last 3 years is to be taken)
Liquidated damages
Per Day
As per contract
The intended purpose of this calculator is provide a rough estimate of the possible entitlements of the claimant. it is not intended to be a replace or supersede the need for a claims specialist. The use of any results from this calculator shall be at the sole responsibility of the user. 2p2c accepts no responsibility for the use or misuse of any information or results given herein.
Claim Entitlement Results
Delay Results
Project's Original Duratation
Project's Extended Duration
Calcuated as the difference between the TOC date and the contract finish date
Justified Delay
This is the extension of time that the client should be entitled to, and is the basis for prolongation cost calculations
Claimant's Culpable Delay
Claimant's Entitlements
Prolongation Costs
Calcuated as the difference between the TOC date and the contract finish date
Head Office Overhead Costs
Calculated based on the corrected Hudson formula (to eliminate the duplicate application of OH
Disruption Costs
Based on factor analysis - MCA-Labour Estimating Manual -1986, which assumes a loss of 16.25% of labor productivity due disruption factors. The total labor costs is assumed to be 10% of the total project costs.
This the Claimant's delay. Usually used to calculate the liquidated damages that may be applied.
Claimant's Risk
Liquidated Damages
Capped at 10% of the total contract value
The intended purpose of this calculator is provide a rough estimate of the possible entitlements of the claimant. it is not intended to be a replace or supersede the need for a claims specialist. The use of any results from this calculator shall be at the sole responsibility of the user. 2p2c accepts no responsibility for the use or misuse of any information or results given herein.
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